Friday, October 10, 2008

Fraking Hilarious...

Yes, I did just use the term Frak. But it's okay here, because it's a geek related blog, about a hilarious bit on The Office last night. The whole thing is an effort to piss Dwight off about one of his favorite shows (and mine) Battlestar Galactica. I almost fell out of my chair when Jim said the name Dumbledore Calrissian. Even if you don't watch either show, this is hilarious. It's full of fun sci-fi references that are all wrong.

If you missed this week's episode, check it out here:


Roe said...

Okay, that stands as a gem in this season. Dumbledore Calrissian... hahahahaha...

Stacey said...

ha ha ha... I know... awesome.