Thursday, November 20, 2008

Who's Watching Sanctuary?

Sanctuary seems to be chugging along, as far as I see. I will admit that the first couple of episodes left me somewhat sleepy and underwhelmed, but I think the show is starting to grow into its mythology. I particularly like that a character I found really interesting, John Druitt, appears to be popping up as a recurring character - there's a lot of potential for what this guy can do, so it's good to see that the writers are thinking on that track.

Without providing too many spoilers, Sanctuary is about 'abnormals' and the scientists who find them and bring them to the Sanctuary - mermaids, Celtic witches, a Yeti - it's basically a global search for the creatures we used to learn about on In Search Of (look it up, kiddies), to keep them safe and study them in a humane environment. Yes, on many fronts it is "freak of the week, but the show is finding its voice and moving into larger storylines within the weekly episodes. Give it a shot if you haven't yet; it's on Friday nights at 10 p.m. on Sci-Fi Channel.

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