Friday, November 7, 2008

Heroes... Why?

Okay, I know they do one every season. It's their little, check-out-so-and-so's backstory episode that the producers, writers and so on think we're so interested in.

You know what! I have no desire to watch another Heroe's backstory flashback episode. Yes, I said it. I keep seeing the previews for Monday, and it's getting me more and more riled up.

I want clarity on the things that are happening now. I don't want to have to worry about the 10 different apocalyptic future scenarios we've got going on, plus whatever happened in the past.

I realize that I'm just venting frustration here, especially given that I have to wait extra time for this flashback episode. But I really find the whole thing unnecessary. I really hope that they've got a clear direction on this series mapped out, or it's going to go nowhere. My Mom, who enjoyed the first two seasons has actually given up on this season already. She said she can't deal with another year of going nowhere.

Do you hear me producers of Heroes? Sort this thing out. I want to keep this interesting show in my viewing lineup.

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