Monday, December 22, 2008

Wanna move to the Shire?

Okay, folks, let's get cracking. I've been felled by a wicked stomach virus and therefore have a lot of geek blogging to catch up with. First off, let me just share this little slice o'Heaven with you. Oh Tolkien fanatics I call my brethren, wanna move to The Shire? For reals? It's off to Oregon we go, my friends:

Now, does this Shire come equipped with an Aragorn to call my own? Or, failing that, do I at least get my own Ringwraith? I could really go for a Ringwraith. And I want one that comes with both a cool horse AND the dragon thingy. Thanks.

Mae Govannen! ("Well met!" in Elvish. What?)

1 comment:

Stacey said...

We're moving there, right?