Monday, May 4, 2009

Catching up again...

So, folks, we're still waiting to hear if the geektastic shows we love like Chuck and The Sarah Connor Chronicles are going to get cancelled or not.

Get out there on the blogs and twitters of the world and make the networks hear us. Save the good stuff.

Meanwhile, I hear that Heroes is going to continue. Ugh... I am still a week behind, because my motivation to watch that show is so lost.


Lauren said...

I heard it's looking good for Chuck. Yay!

Roe said...

I heard the same, apparently the Subway Save Chuck campaign helped! I also heard that Dollhouse was saved by us Web geeks. Excelsior!

Can't believe Heroes is getting another season, but I know I'll watch. Fringe is coming back, and I think Reaper may have gotten a pass - not sure yet. So pissed that Sarah Connor Chronicles was canceled, though.